
Cúcuta: a gateway to the heart of Colombia

Three people travel to Colombia to record a television program. Objective: To capture reality in its path.

Tells People. They offer their testimony but not her face to face because it means losing his life.

A Colombian living in Spain will lead us through this mosaic of lives and deaths.


Tres personas viajan a Colombia para grabar un programa de televisión.Objetivo: plasmar la realidad que encuentren a su paso.

La gente les cuenta. Ofrecen su testimonio pero no su rostro porque dar la cara significa perder la vida.

Un colombiano residente en España nos va a conducir por este mosaico de vidas y de muertes.

Duration: 28 '

Language: Spanish

Genre: documentary

Address: Progress & Andari educational films

Country: Spain (Colombia)

Year: 2001

Characters: community mothers, farmers, students, human rights defender ...

Making and Image: José Luis Blasco, J. Ramon Day

Screenplay: Jose Luis Blasco

Production: Jose Maria Aranda

Music: Juanjo Javierre, Various

Edition: J. Ramon Day

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